
The Buiksloterham, a former industrial site will be developed into a sustainable and circular area. The most polluted industry is replaced, former industrial buildings are used by creative entrepreneurs, streets with private plots and sustainable apartment blocks are realized.
On the Buiksloterham also the Ceuvel is located, a former wharf. House boats are placed on the land, artists have their offices in the former floating houses. Together with the University of Gand (Belgium) the users of the site are cleaning the polluted area.
Since 2019 also SchoonSchip – CleanShip – has been realized, the most sustainable floating area of Europe. On 30 plots 46 households are located.
A tour Buiksloterham can very well be combined with a tour over the NDSM-wharf.
For more information:
T +3120 6231 701, M +316 135 60615